Riga State German Grammar School

Englisch ist ein Muss, Deutsch ist ein Plus!

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School specialization is the German language since 1962 and is promoting friendship with Germany. The first partner school is a secondary school named after Herder in Rostock (Herder-EOS).

In 1990 there was established the relationship with Weser Gymnasium in Floto city (Weser Gymnasium der Stadt Vlotho), and J. Christopher school in Fersmold (Johannes - Christopher- Schule Versmold). International music projects are being carried out as well as youth lifestyle research in Latvia and Germany. Weser Gymnasium student choir participated in the 7th Latvian School Youth Song and Dance festival.

The cultural origins of Baltic Germans in Riga in 30th were researched by students in collaboration with Fersmold's students and teachers and also there was organized the first international seminar in the history for students, collaborating with teaching sources from University of Latvia, Faculty of History and Philosophy. There was organized the first teacher exchange. In 1997, thanks to J. Kepler gymnasium in Leonberg (Leonberg Johannes Kepler gymnasium) and Weser gymnasium, there was possible to organize second study tour to the south of Germany. Later there was also organized international project measuring education systems in Latvia and Germany . In the summer of 2000 there was organized the second study journey with a destination to EXPO 2000 in Hanover.

Since 1996 school has contacts with the Vienna Kollegium Kalksburg teacher Wolfgang Ludwig (Wolfgang Ludwig), who has visited Riga several times, teaching geography lessons for high school students and lectures for German teachers. Thanks to the cooperation, pupils had had the opportunity to participate in the competition, dedicated to the millennium of Austria. One student and one teacher got chance to get acquainted with the learning process in Austria.

According to the Latvian-German bilateral agreement in school work colleagues from Germany:

  • 1992. - 1998. Antje Albrecht
  • 1998. - 2000. Bernd Meisterfeld
  • 1999. - 2001. February Bettina Lampe
  • 2001. - 2002. Bruno Michelsohn
  • 2001. - (February-May) Marlen Siekmann
  • 2001. - 2002. Dietmar Herz
  • 2001. - 2004. Amino Diehl
  • 2002. - 2004. Christoph Barthel
  • 2004. -2012. Ilse Schweizer
  • Since 2012. Thomas Ludwig

The school has established very good contacts with personnel of the Riga Institute of Goethes. Students and teachers are using library services, offers cultural programs and distance learning opportunities in Latvia and Germany.

The School is a member of a collective of Latvian Goethe Society and in cooperation with that students got chance to participate in creative work and design contests and visit Weimar in 1999 and 2001.