RVVG Erasmus+ Plan 2021-2027
Objectives and results to be achieved
Objective 1: To promote the development of students' cognitive and social skills in a multicultural environment and to raise awareness of the positive impact of foreign language skills on intercultural communication in the age of globalisation and career choices.
In-depth foreign language learning is unthinkable without cultural learning, which is why promoting intercultural competence is one of the most important goals of the Gymnasium, which involves promoting multilingualism and intercultural experiences through international mobility and exchange projects and foreign language learning at the highest level for all students, which will have a positive impact on their future academic (study) or professional (work) paths.
Results to be reached
- Students will develop their foreign language (English and German) skills through exchange projects, thus contributing to language learning at a higher (C1) level and increasing their exam results.
- Students will become aware of intercultural differences, see their values and learn to use them to promote future cooperation between partner organisations or other organisations.
- Intercultural experiences will broaden career opportunities.
- After the project (presenting the results, benefits to other students), students see foreign language skills (English and German) as the key to work in a multicultural society in the European area.
- In their further learning, pupils define intercultural differences as cultural values and learn to use this knowledge to foster further cooperation between partner organisations.
- Intercultural experience will broaden career opportunities and competitiveness at individual level upon graduation.
Objective 2: To develop knowledge and skills that promote sustainable development and lifestyles and ensure sustainable consumption patterns.
This objective is linked to one of the priorities: to educate pupils about sustainable development and lifestyles by creating awareness of cultural diversity and the contribution of culture to sustainable development and by raising pupils' awareness of the importance of sustainable development and conscious and responsible consumption. Firstly, the Grammar School records and analyses with the pupils the energy consumption within the same institution as part of the Eco-Schools movement. Secondly, the Grammar School can share an example of good practice related to the school's interest education programme "People and the Environment", which has developed a focus on urban beekeeping. It provides students with the opportunity to engage in scientific research, looking at sustainability through the lens of urban development, pollution and the preservation of green spaces, which are important factors for the survival of bee colonies in urbanised areas. Such experiences create a holistic view of sustainability, help to develop deep thinking and can be useful in real life and studies.
Results to be reached
- Students will put the knowledge and skills they learn into practice.
- Students will explore or plant forests, follow a conscious electricity and water conservation regime, and investigate electricity and water consumption in everyday life.
- Students will propose solutions for more economical use of electricity and water.
- Students will share experiences with partner organisations on the development of urban beekeeping at school.
Students will put the knowledge and skills they have acquired into practice, as demonstrated by the following indicators:
- Pupils will follow a conscious electricity and water conservation regime by studying their daily electricity and water consumption.
- Students will propose solutions for more economical use of electricity and water.
- Students will share experiences with partner organisations on the development of urban beekeeping at school.
- Students will carry out urban and greenery research, tree (or forest - outside the urban area) planting.
Objective 3: To improve the digital competences of students and teachers to effectively implement the new curriculum by using IT tools for planning, guiding and assessing learning content.
Developing the key areas of digital literacy (information literacy, digital content creation, communication and collaboration, safety and problem solving) is a priority for both students and teachers. The current global health security situation is also forcing a rapid shift in formal education from classroom and face-to-face forms of learning to digital environments and distance learning. This challenge includes the transition to complex online learning platforms to organise learning work remotely. It should be noted that in the context of globalisation and the rapid development of information technologies, the risks of data security and information literacy are an increasingly pressing additional challenge, so it is important for everyone not only to acquire digital competences, but also to update and practice them in projects involving deeper research into a topic and the collection, search, visualisation and presentation of information using digital tools.
Results to be reached
Teachers will gain experience of using IT in partner organisations:
- learn how to create online materials;
- learn how to use learning platforms;
- explore and try out other ways to make learning with IT more meaningful and effective.
Pupils will develop their digital skills through project activities and results:
- learn how to make videos;
- learn how to manage video conferences;
- create a summary of the materials.
Objective 4: To improve teachers' professional competences in order to implement the new approach to curriculum and ensure quality teaching.
Another priority is the development of teachers' professional competences to foster the development of students' basic competences, pervasive skills and value-based habits of mind in the learning process that leads to literacy. Teachers' learning is closely linked to the implementation of an interdisciplinary approach and the use of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) in the teaching process. In order for the impact of teacher
learning to be felt effectively in the content and support provided to students, it is essential to study and compare the approaches of other teachers, other schools and other countries in transferring academic knowledge to real-life situations and to future competitiveness.
Results to be reached
- Teachers will gain experience and learn new, innovative methods and techniques by hosting and delivering lessons in partner organisations.
- Teachers will collect examples of good practice from the international events.
- Teachers will improve their planning and delivery of teaching using a variety of methods and will offer lesson observations to colleagues to pass on their experience.